These commands are used on the Discord server to add extra functionality to the Minecraft server. They are custom coded by SomeMineGame in a Discord bot written in Python. There are still new commands being added to the server every so often, so come back to see what's been added in the "What's New" section! Click on a command to learn more about it! Current Prefix - &

Base Commands

Command Short Description
addBase Adds your base for others to see
editBase Edits your base location
removeBase Removes your base location
viewBase Gives the location of a base

Database Commands

Command Short Description
addUser Creates a user's files
advRepair Recreates a user's files
listOldServers Lists past server resets
repairUser Adds missing files a user may not have
resetServer Resets everyone's files
restoreServer Restores data from a previous reset
update Updates files to a newer format

Miscellaneous Commands

Command Short Description
cmd Remotely run a Minecraft command
day See the current Minecraft day
help Sends a link to this page
ip Lists the IPs or edits them
poll Creates a generic poll with up to 10 options
restart Restarts the Discord bot
status Gives the server's local and global status
test Test's the Discord bot's response